
10月15日星期二 &


(肯尼索校园 - 290 正规博彩十大网站排名 Rd NW, Kennesaw, 30144)

每年秋季 & 春季学期, we invite many of the nation's top companies to the Kennesaw campus in order to showcase 正规博彩十大网站排名's brightest students 和 alumni for internship, 合作社, 全职, & 兼职职位. 

This event is for jobs 和 internships in all majors 和 industries. 学生 of all majors 和 class levels are encouraged to attend. 别忘了这是一个为期两天的展览会, so be sure to look for which day each company or school will be in attendance 和 make plans to attend both days to visit with more companies! 

To help you plan what day(s) to attend, we have centralized some majors to one day of the fair: 

  • Health-related sciences, Helping Profession related majors, 和 Nursing -查看参加第一天的雇主
  • 商业技术和所有其他STEM专业 -查看第二天参加会议的雇主
  • 商业、艺术和人文 – Check out BOTH days to see new employers each day 

Use the H和shake app to run filters specifically for your situation. You can sort by major, job type, school year, industry, keyword, 和 much more! 

Attendance reserved for 正规博彩十大网站排名 students 和 正规博彩十大网站排名/SPSU alumni only. 

请注意商务休闲 to 商业专业 dress 和 student ID are required for entry. Bring plenty of copies of your resume to give to employers!



在握手中找到可用的事件. You can "Join Event" to get updates 和 reminders ahead of the fair! 



Are you an employer/recruiter interested in participating in Job & 实习招聘会?



  • 研讨会

    Join an upcoming workshop for tips to get you ready. 

    • Writing a Winning Resume- August 22, 4-5pm- Virtual 
    • Design your Life: Determing your Career Roadmap- September 9, 12-1pm- Virtual 
    • "Ace Your Interview: Answering the Tough Questions"- September 30, 4-5pm- Kennesaw 电话:2110
    • 5 Steps to Secure an 实习- October 8, 12-1pm- Kennesaw ALC RM 3101 和 Virtual 
    • What 雇主 Want: How to Prep for a Job Fair- October 8, 12-1:30pm- Kennesaw ALC RM 2104
    • Overcoming Decision Paralysis -November 4, 12-1pm - Virtual 
    • 查看H和shake了解更多即将到来的研讨会.  
  • 任命

    面对你的职业 & 实习 Advisor in person or virtually by booking an appointment. 关于如何安排的信息是可用的 在这里. 任命 can also be scheduled by calling 470-578-6555.
  • dropin建议

    我们的职业 & 实习 Advisors are ready to answer your questions! 最后一分钟过来 招聘会建议 2024年3月25日星期一上午11点到下午4点 at our Marietta office (Wilson Student Center, Suite A160) 和 Kennesaw office (Academic 学习中心,3525室). 如果你想让别人看你的简历,就带上你的简历!


  • 在招聘会前调查雇主

    • 下载握手应用程序 (免费下载 苹果安卓 devices) to see the list of registered employers for the upcoming Job & 实习 博览会.
    • You can see all organizations attending the event by clicking on it in H和shake. Check back frequently to see new employers, but more importantly...做好调查!
    • Do research inside H和shake, but do not stop t在这里. 找到该组织的网站 to learn more about the company, mission, 和 any open positions listed on their website, under "职业生涯," "Employment," "About Us" or similar sections.
    • 也可以使用其他网站进行研究. 许多雇主将会出现在 LinkedIn, w在这里 you can learn more about them 和 even explore who is already employed t在这里 和 the backgrounds 和 professional experience of those individuals.
  • 开发你的电梯演讲

    How to create a unique elevator speech for each employer:

    1. Hi! 我是(你的全名). I’m a/an _____________________ major, graduating in _______.

    2. Next say something interesting about yourself, something that will impress this 特定的雇主.

    例子:I just completed an internship with ¬(company name) in the _____________Department. 太神奇了……
    I am the President of ___________, (describe the organization: purpose, # of students…)

    3. Wrap it up by expressing your interest in the employer: "I am very interested in working with you because…(insert your research)

    4. 最后:我可以给你我的简历吗?

    Practice, Practice, Practice: Know your Elevator Speech & 轻松地说……


    不离开就不要离开...requesting a business card, so you are able to write a thank 你要在24小时内留言. 一定要附上简历.

  • 你的简历

    Your resume needs to be perfect: no spelling or grammar mistakes, reverse chronological 有序,一切对齐.

    请参阅 职业指南 for tips on creating a strategic resume, along with additional resume samples available on our website 在这里 (click on the link that matches your college under "Resources for Writing 你的简历 和 Cover Letter").


    1. Resumes should be printed on "resume paper," a slightly heavier paper that typically 有水印. This paper is available at stores like, Staples, Office Depot, 和 沃尔玛.
    2. Always bring more resumes than you think you will need. 你永远不知道有多少雇主 will stop you 和 introduce themselves or employers that you decide you'd like to 满足.
  • 如何着装

    Present yourself in a professional manner - dressing professionally is one of the keys to making a great first impression! Remember, business casual or business professional attire is recommended for this fair. 



    • 保持头发整洁,把头发拉到后面
    • 非运动/宗教头饰
    • Coordinated suit jacket with pants or skirt (knee-length or longer)
    • 钮扣领上衣或短上衣
    • 搭配领带(领带、领结、项链等).)
    • 有型连衣裙(及膝或以上)
    • 正装鞋(平底鞋或高跟鞋)
    • 适当的时候搭配袜子


    • 保持头发整洁,把头发拉到后面
    • 非运动/宗教头饰
    • 西装外套、运动外套或开衫
    • Button-up top, blouse, or good quality knit sweater
    • polo衫,短袖衬衫,无领衬衫
    • Dress pants, slacks, or skirts (knee-length or longer)
    • 非折价牛仔裤
    • 正装鞋(平底鞋或高跟鞋)
    • Dress s和als with heel strap, clean sneakers, or boots
  • 你要带什么

    • Purchase a leather or pleather portfolio for your resumes
    • 包括一支笔 & 额外的纸条塞在里面
    • 微笑 & 眼神交流能给人留下好印象
    • 两人坚定地握手 & 女性
    • Always pick up a business card when you 满足 with an Employer, so you can write a thank 你要在24小时内留言 incorporating the notes you’ve written after speaking to an Employer.
    • We have a bag check, so you can always leave your backpack, purse, coat, or other 项目有. Be unburdened as you navigate the career fair floor.
